Como Abrir Arquivos CDR sem CorelDRAW?

Opening a CDR file without CorelDRAW may seem challenging, but it’s not as complicated as it seems.

If you are a designer or someone who received a CDR file and need to access its contents, this article will guide you through three simple methods.

Let’s explore using third-party CDR viewers, converting CDR files to other formats, and harnessing the power of cloud-based solutions.

How to Open CDR Files without CorelDRAW: A Simple Guide

Method 1: Third-Party CDR Viewers

One of the simplest methods to open a CDR file without CorelDRAW is to use third-party CDR viewers.

These handy tools are designed specifically for this purpose and are available in free and paid versions. Here are some popular options:

  1. Inkscape : This free and open-source vector graphics editor can open and view CDR files with ease. Its user-friendly interface and robust features make it a favorite among designers.
  2. LibreOffice Draw : Part of the free LibreOffice suite, Draw is a versatile vector graphics editor that can handle CDR files. It is an excellent choice for those looking for a cost-free solution.
  3. CDR Viewer Pro : If you need more advanced features, CDR Viewer Pro offers a paid option. This tool not only opens CDR files but also allows you to export them to various formats, giving you additional flexibility.

Method 2: Convert CDR File

Another effective method to access the contents of a CDR file without CorelDRAW is to convert it to a different format. Various tools can help you do this, such as online converters or specialized software.

Once the CDR file is transformed into a more common format, such as PDF, PNG, or JPEG, you can open it in almost any program that supports that format.

This method is especially useful if you just need to view the file and don’t need editing features.

Method 3: Cloud-Based CDR Viewers

If you prefer a hassle-free approach and don’t want to install additional software, consider using cloud-based CDR viewers.

Platforms like Google Drive and Dropbox offer the convenience of opening and viewing CDR files directly from your web browser.

This eliminates the need for on-site installations. Simply upload your CDR file to your preferred cloud storage service, then use their built-in viewers to access the file.

It’s a quick and straightforward solution, perfect for anyone who wants to avoid the complexities of software installations.


Opening CDR files without CorelDRAW is possible through several methods, each catering to different needs and preferences. Whether you opt for third-party CDR viewers, file conversion, or cloud-based solutions, you now have the tools at your disposal to effortlessly access and view CDR files. Say goodbye to compatibility issues and explore CDR file contents with confidence.

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